Real hair can be a challenge to style

It moves, it bends, it changes over the course of a lifetime.

But true craftsmanship only improves with time, shaping your skills into an expertise.

We are hair professionals. Together we change the details of our craft, exploring new organic matter and tools for greater results. It just starts with one ingredient: curiosity.

We believe that everyone deserves great hair days

Shaping a new line of styling tools and rods, the Wetline series, hair styling products, scissors and popular Wonder Brushes, Gloss Brushes and Air Brushes, we help you style and care for hair with every stroke. The secret is real quality ingredients and ergonomic design that make a difference to consumers and stylists worldwide.”

Going green

At HH Simonsen we are mindful of and sensitive to the environment and thinking green has become a natural part of the way we do business. We strive to reduce the use of materials that are environmentally harmful; for instance, we now use only sustainable, non-toxic and biodegradable bags for our products.

Sustainability Facts

  • Sustainable Styling Tools Packaging

    HH Simonsen’s styling tools are all packaged in an environmentally friendly and reusable cardboard. We’ve stopped using silver and gold foils, as well as magnets, so that they are easy to recycle and reduced our use of paper for instructions by 40%.

  • Efficient Packaging

    All our products are packaged in square boxes to avoid wasting space when shipping our products to salons and private customers.

  • Low energy electric tools

    Our electric tools have a low energy use, easing both our environment and your electrical bill.

  • Sustainable, Durable Brush Materials

    Our brushes are created using certified wood or ABS plastic, which is more durable than regular plastic. All our brushes are packed in environmentally friendly PET-plastic.

  • Tools for good purpose

    Every year, we collect used tools and scissors, and donate them to hairdressing schools in Africa, to avoid waste and lend a helping hand in less fortunate areas.